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Virginia Reckless Driving Penalties

There are a wide variety of Virginia reckless driving penalties that a judge can impose. I explain a few of them in this video, so you can begin to learn about your case.

Virginia Reckless Driving Penalties

Video Transcription

Hi, my name is Andrew Flusche, and I’m a Virginia reckless driving lawyer. If you’ve gotten a ticket for reckless driving in Virginia, you may be wondering what penalties you’re facing. The best way to learn on that is to request a copy of my free book, Fight Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket. You can download one right here on the web site for free. In general, reckless driving carries a possibility of up to 12 months in jail, up to 6 months loss of your license, and/or up to a $2,500.00 fine. Are you really facing that much jail? In many cases you’re probably not. Depending on the speed, jail is something that a lot of times is avoided for a reckless driving ticket. But some speeds in some cases do get jail time. Same goes with license suspension. Depending on the facts, you may be safe from license suspension, but you don’t know where your case falls in the spectrum until you give me a call so we can have your free case strategy session and we can talk about your speed, the facts of your case, your driving record, the judge who may be on the bench and what penalties you’re realistically looking at. So don’t just read information online and think oh, I’m going to be okay. I don’t want you to be blindsided when you get to court. Contact me for your free case strategy session so we can discuss your case, and if you want to go ahead and request the book right now you can get some answers immediately, and we can talk about your case as soon as we can arrange the schedule.