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How Much Does a Reckless Driving Ticket Cost?

virginia reckless driving ticket costI represent citizens throughout Virginia against various charges, including reckless driving.

People often ask me, What does a Virginia reckless driving ticket cost? What happens if the court convicts me of reckless driving?

At Flusche & Fitzgerald, Attorneys at Law, we fiercely defend drivers and fight to protect their rights.

Here are some things you should know about reckless driving charges.


What Is Reckless Driving?

Let’s start with the basics of understanding reckless driving in VA. The criminal code of Virginia contains the definition of reckless driving.

Based on this code, the police charge a person with reckless driving if they believe that a person’s driving was reckless or at a speed or in a manner that could or did endanger the life, limb, or property of any person.

Police can charge you with both reckless driving and speeding. But you can also be charged with one of those offenses and not the other.

What Are Examples of Reckless Driving

Virginia considers a far more comprehensive array of conduct reckless driving than in other states. Some examples of reckless driving could be:

But the list does not end with the above. Police consider weather, car conditions, road conditions, speed, and several other factors when determining whether driving is reckless.

Meet with an attorney to discuss your charges. Remember, being charged does not mean that you are guilty.

Is Reckless Driving Just a Citation?

While a range of behaviors may constitute reckless driving, one thing is clear: reckless driving is a criminal offense in Virginia. There is not only a general reckless driving statute but also specific reckless driving crimes in our laws.

While other states, including those surrounding Virginia, sometimes classify reckless driving as a traffic violation, Virginia law defines and punishes reckless driving as criminal lawlessness.

How Much Does a Reckless Driving Ticket Cost in Virginia?

So, how much does a reckless driving ticket cost? If law enforcement charged you with reckless driving, you are likely concerned about the Virginia reckless driving ticket cost and if there will be other consequences. There is usually a fine and court costs for reckless driving.

However, it is essential to know that:

The range of punishments depends on numerous factors. A criminal defense attorney is in the best position to estimate your charge’s cost and other outcomes and defend you.

What Is the Breakdown of Fines and Costs For VA Reckless Driving Ticket

Have you ever wondered where the fines and costs go for traffic tickets in Virginia? Here is one example we put together for a hypothetical Virginia reckless driving tickets.

Keep in mind this is just an example, since reckless driving fines can be as much as $2,500.

Does Reckless Driving Suspend Your License?

According to Virginia law, people convicted of reckless driving may lose their license for not less than 10 days or more than six months. However, suspension is not a default punishment.

In plain speak, this means whether a court suspends your license will depend on that court’s policies and local trends. Several factors can also influence how a court decides. These include:

For more information about reckless driving and license suspense, contact Flusche & Fitzgerald. We can walk you through your rights and the next best steps to protect them.

How Many Points Is a Reckless Driving Ticket?

Getting convicted of reckless driving in Virginia will add six points to your Virginia driving record. The number of years these points stay on your DMV record depends on why you received the ticket, but in most cases, it is 11 years. Drivers who accumulate too many points may have their Virginia license suspended.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Reckless Driving Ticket?

It would be best if you had an experienced attorney for your reckless driving case. Far too often, individuals consider a reckless driving charge as no different than a speeding ticket.

This is not accurate. Reckless driving is a crime, and you should approach the charge as such.

Don’t focus solely on how much is a reckless driving ticket in VA—you may be facing more than just costs. Hire an attorney. A conviction of reckless driving can jeopardize your freedom, financial security, and even your job.

Do I Need to Hire a Reckless Driving Lawyer Near Me?

If you’re wondering whether you need a local reckless driving lawyer to represent you, the answer is a resounding yes. A local lawyer will understand local laws and regulations and be familiar with local courts and how they operate.

Given the discretion judges have to revoke your license and dole out fees, knowing your audience and what to expect is critical.

How Much Does a Reckless Driving Virginia Lawyer Cost?

Unlike other cases that attorneys take on a contingency fee basis, attorneys representing reckless drivers usually charge a flat rate for their services. However, many reckless driving attorneys offer a free initial consultation so that you can discuss your case and their fee structure first.

Attorney fees vary depending on the lawyer and the type of reckless driving offense.

When looking for an attorney, keep in mind that as tempting as it may be to choose the lowest-priced option, it could cost you more in the long run.

This is especially true if the attorney is inexperienced or lacks experience in the court where your case is heard. Instead, take the time to research and compare multiple attorneys before making a decision.

Thorough research will help ensure that you choose someone who is both affordable and qualified to handle your case.

Remember, a Class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia can come with up to 12 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. Considering the potential cost of not working with an advocate, hiring a reckless driving attorney is a wise investment in your future.

Contact Our VA Reckless Driving Defense Lawyers Today

Flusche & Fitzgerald is a traffic defense firm in Spotsylvania, VA. We have worked hard to build a reputation as a top-notch legal defender in reckless driving and DWI cases. You can reach my office by phone, online form, or email.

We will fight to get your charges dismissed or reduced. If you are wondering, How much is a reckless driving ticket in Virginia? You need Flusche & Fitzgerald. Contact us today.