Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

Are you looking for Virginia traffic lawyers? You’ve come to the right place. I’m Andrew Flusche, and I focus solely on Virginia traffic and misdemeanor defense. When you’re ready to get started defending your case, please reach out to me for your free case strategy session at 540.318.5824.

Virginia Traffic Lawyer

Video Transcription

Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche, and I’m your Virginia traffic lawyer. If you have a Virginia traffic ticket or a misdemeanor offense related to traffic in Virginia, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got lots of free information here on the web site so you can learn about your case and when you’re ready you can contact me for your free case strategy sessions so we can discuss the details. I’ve got free books on the web site. I’ve got a book about fighting your Virginia reckless driving ticket, and I’ve got a great book about overcoming your Virginia DUI or DWI. They’re both available on Amazon for purchase and have five stars for reviews, but you can get a free copy right here on the web site. If you have a case that’s not covered in one of my books, I’ve got lots of free information here on the web site for different charges such as possession of marijuana, shoplifting, hit and run, speeding, all sorts of things that I handle through all traffic and misdemeanor offenses here in Virginia. When you’re ready, you can contact me for your free case strategy session and we can begin talking about your case. I’d love to be your Virginia traffic lawyer and help you get the best possible result in your case.