Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

What Happens if You Fail to Attend Traffic School for a Ticket?

If you are supposed to go to Virginia traffic school for a ticket and don’t complete it, the consequences will vary depending upon your particular situation.

For DMV-ordered driving school (due to being a young driver or accumulating too many points), DMV will suspend your license. To fix your license, you’ll have to complete the school and pay a reinstatement fee to DMV.

If a court ordered driving school, the consequences will depend upon the court’s order. In many instances, failing to attend traffic school will result in a conviction on the original charge. But some judges actually order traffic school in exchange for not suspending your license or to give you a lower fine. If that’s the case, you could be looking at worse punishments if you don’t complete the school on time.

If you have a ticket pending in Virginia, call me to learn how we can fight it together.

Photo by:Richard Garten