Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

Fighting Deer Accident Reckless Driving Tickets

If you were involved in an accident with a deer, you probably received a reckless driving ticket. The good news is that we can fight it!

Video Transcription

Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche. I’m a Virginia traffic
attorney. If a deer jumped out in front of you in Virginia, you
probably are not guilty of reckless driving, even though you may
have gotten a ticket for it. I see it all the time, especially
in the fall and the spring. People charged with reckless driving
for deer. What happens is there’s a single vehicle accident, the
car goes off the road, and the officer shows up, and there’s no
evidence of a deer, the person did not hit the deer, however, the
car did go off the road, so the officer typically ends up
charging reckless driving. In those cases, where there’s no
evidence of a deer, or no proof that there wasn’t a deer, we
certainly have a strong argument that this was an act of nature.
You did nothing wrong on your part and we can argue to have the
case completely dismissed, because it was a deer that came out in
the road and forced you to lose control of the vehicle. As a
side note, the better thing is to hit the deer, in many
instances. It doesn’t seem right, but at least at that point,
you’d have proof that there was a deer involved. So if you’re
charged with reckless driving for hitting a deer, or avoiding a
deer, it’s definitely a case where you want to talk with me so we
can see about fighting your case and getting you found not