Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

Video of Yourself Going 185 mph = Reckless Driving Charge

People never cease to amaze me. A guy in Canada thought it would be cool to record the below video while flying along on his motorcycle. Not only is he weaving between cars (down the lane divider), but he also hits 185 mph!

I’ve written before about posting things on the internet. It can definitely hurt your case, and it can also get you a ticket that you might have had otherwise.

If the above video had been recorded in Virginia, you can bet that the Commonwealth’s Attorney would go after this guy with a vengeance. They’d certainly get a warrant for reckless driving at a minimum.

At speeds over 100 mph, jail time is almost a certainty. And of course there’d be loss of your driver’s license and a pretty steep fine (the maximum is $2,500).

There are two morals to this story: 1.) Don’t go 185 mph, and 2.) If you do, definitely don’t post a video of yourself.