Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

How to Handle Legal Issues Like a Man

Boxing Glove

Unfortunately many males in our society do not handle their problems like true men. I don’t mean bringing out the boxing gloves or having a duel. Handling legal issues like a man means being a gentleman. Here are some tips to being a gentleman if you’re ever dealing with legal issues.

Minimize expense – True men don’t try to run up their opponent’s lawyer’s expenses. That’s just being a jerk. Try to minimize the cost of attorney involvement, and everyone will be in much better spirits.

Keep your word – Honesty is an incredible virtue to master. The true gentleman always keeps his word, even with someone who might not do the same. Just because a business deal has gone South, it doesn’t mean you should renege on your end.

Be cooperative – Harassing your opponent is for the playground. The courtroom (or boardroom) is for resolving conflicts like gentlemen. Cooperating with your opponent will get much better results than being combative.

Defer to expertise – A true man knows when he’s out of his league. That’s why people hire lawyers. As the client, you get to direct the overall goals of your matter, but defer to your lawyer’s expertise on strategy.

Accept compromise – There’s nothing wrong with settlement. It’s definitely not the same as defeat. If you can settle a claim or controversy, it will save everyone many headaches and expenses.

Play nice – In the end, being a gentleman in this context really boils down to what you learned in the sandbox: play nice. If you wouldn’t want to be treated in a certain way, you shouldn’t do it to your adversary. It will just make the world a better place.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? You’ll be surprised what being a gentleman will do for your business.

Photo by Michael (mx5tx)