Talk to Andrew 540-318-5824

Can Police Run Radar in The Rain?

A lot of clients and potential clients wonder if the police are able to use their radar unit while it’s raining. Some people claim that the rain causes interference, which could invalidate the radar reading.

Unfortunately, most of the judges I practice in front of will let an officer testify to their radar reading even if it was raining.

Does that mean that there isn’t a possible argument about interference from the rain? No. The problem is that we would need an expert witness in radar technology to testify about that issue. You can’t just get up and argue yourself about the rain causing issues with the radar and the officer not being able to clock you properly. You’re not an expert in radar.

In the average reckless driving by speed or speeding case in Virginia we would need to hire and bring in a radar expert to testify about radar interference issues, and it’s simply not practical in most cases.

In many cases in Virginia, the officer is going to be able to testify that their equipment was calibrated and working properly and that they got you at the correct speed. If the officer can say that, it will be enough to make the basic case against you. However, there are still possible defenses and arguments we can use to get the case reduced or maybe even dismissed. That’s why you should call me today for a free case strategy session.

Photo by:subadei